Memorial Day Weekend

First of all I want to say that memorial day is a very special day. In memorial day we remember and thank the veterans that passed away serving our country. In the memorial weekend my family and i were just remembering the veterans and thanking them for their service. We just made some food outside on the grill and had fun spent some time with the family. On Sunday I went to Santa Monica beach with my two older brothers and their girl and the two brothers of my sister in law. I also watched movies over the memorial  day weekend they were called jury, Puerto ricans in Paris and some other one I don't remember the name of it. I watched the final of Chivas and Tigris. One of a ctr experience was that my father and I was going to the store and i seen a old lady trying to cross the street and then a men came and he helped her cross the street it was a ctr experience. I did  two worksheets of physiology. I read a few pages of the book called everything everything it was a nice intro.


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