Physical Therapist

Duties and Responsibilities:
Job Duties in Physical Therapy. Physical therapy is a growing part of the medical industry. Physical therapists are key to recovery for some patients who are recuperating from injuries, illnesses, and surgery. They work with patients to help them regain movement and manage pain, either in a hospital or clinical .

The average annual salary for physical therapist in the United States is $86,520, which is 103% higher than the average income of Americans. The median pay for PTs is $7,210 per month, $1,663 per week and $41.59 per hour.

physical therapists must have earned a graduate degree from accredited academic program in physical therapy. These programs typically culminate in a doctoral degree and take at least three years to complete. To gain admission to a physical therapy program, students typically need to earn a bachelor's degree, complete science prerequisite courses, gain volunteer or observation experience in physical therapy, submit Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores, and maintain an acceptable grade-point average.Students in physical therapy programs typically study topics like human anatomy, biomechanics, musculoskeletal system, pathology, and neurological dysfunction management. They may also participate in clinical internships and take hands-on clinical courses, which provide training in patient care, screening, assessment, treatment, and intervention.

Demand or  need for this profession:
Physical therapists are experts in the way the body moves. As highly educated, health care professionals, they help patients maintain mobility and quality of life without surgery or prescription medications, in many cases. Physical therapists are trusted health care professionals with extensive clinical experience who examine, diagnose, and then prevent or treat conditions that limit the body's ability to move and function in daily life. They work with people of all ages from newborns to the elderly.

I would like to become a physical therapist . I am interested i on a medical field. This will fit my personality. I would love to become a physical; therapist because I would be able to help others. In other words I would help them walk again or help them achieve something they have hard time achieving, I think this would be a good option.


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