Student Success Statement
“When a deep injury is done us,we never recover until we forgive.”
By Alan Paton
Forgive means to stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone for an offense, flaw,or mistake.

This statement is sending us a great message. What this quote is telling us is that if anyone has done you,friend,or a family member something or tell you something and you have that anger inside you should let it go. What am trying to say that you should it things go is that you should forgive people's mistakes and not only saying you forgive them nop but actually forgive them. If you lie to them that you forgive them you are just hurting yourself. If I was in that position that I had to forgive someone that did something I didn't like and I got angered towards them I  would honestly forgive him because I would feel free and give them a second chance. For example if a teenagers go out and drink and they crash because they drank too much but they also crashed a young little girl and her mother I would forgive them because I think everyone does mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance. The best way to heal an injury is to forgive and I think that the only way of healing.So forgive.


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