
Showing posts from November, 2016
Student success statement “Kindness is the essence of greatness.” By. Joseph B. Wirthlin This quote is a very true and nice quote. I agree with  Joseph wirthlin in this quote because this quote is so powerful.There is an amazing message that is trying to send to us in this quote. There is a lot ways people could see it. The way i see it is that when you are kind  its leads you to be a great person.For example is you see someone that it sick you could be kind enough to help them in whichever way you could and then they will see you as a great person.Another example is that when you are kind enough to say excuse me thank you your welcome have a good day they well treat you the same way and they will see you as a great wonderful person. A bad example for this quote is like if you are rude to someone that hasn't even tell you or do you anything they weill see you with no future and they well think that you are a bad person.Being kind is part of being act person.So remember
                  Thanksgiving week Thanksgiving break was a awesome week i had a lot of great time. I spend it with my family we all had a good time we went shopping and watch movies. WE ate a lot to we did a lot of food and different food. Some of my family members went to black Friday shopping to buy presents for Christmas. All that week was awesome i got to see some cousins that i had like two months without seeing them it was good also because we played a lot of games.The food we ate for thanksgiving was ham, tamales,ribs,rice,salad,cookies,and sister cousins and friends went Christmas shopping it was on black Friday everything was in a much better price they went to the mall. I also watched movie like central intelligence i also watched  Don't breath that was i good movie i loved because it was scary for me but it the story that it was trying to tell us was interesting and they did a good job doing that movie i think there is going to be a sec
    Student success statement       “Manners maketh man.” By william wykeham What this quote is trying to say is that manners is what make you what you are.So if you have good manners you would be a great person and if you have bad manners you would be a person t hat doesn't have future and dont want to be successful in life.For example if you have good manners you will be polite and you will be respected by  the people around you and you will feel great. Another example but this one is for the bad manners and you will be disrespected like you disrespect the people around you and they will think you are a horrible person.Having manners makes you a great person and leads you to what you are now and what will you will be in the future. If you have manner you have knowledge and people will see how a great person you are and they will like to be around you. Manners are a way of showing how you were educated and how were you raised and what i mean about that is that people
Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving means the expression of gratitude especially to god.For thanksgiving day is a national holiday and we celebrate it by doing a meal including turkey.Thanksgiving  and thanksgiving day is to thank god and thank god for what you have. Also thanksgiving gathers family and families have a meal together and a good  wonderful time together. This is the history of thanksgiving originated as a harvest festival. ... The event that Americans commonly call the " First Thanksgiving " was celebrated by the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World in 1621. This feast lasted three days, and—as accounted by attendee Edward Winslow—it was attended by 90 Native Americans and 53 Pilgrims. Thanksgiving , or Thanksgiving Day , is a public holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November [1] in the United States . It originated as a harvest festival . Thanksgiving has been celebrated nationally on and off since 1789, after a pr
    Student success statement “Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you.Never excuse yourself.”    By Henry Ward Beecher What this quote is trying to say is that is that take your responsibilities and don't blame others for your actions.for example if you get caught doing drugs and then you tell your parents that it wasn't your fault that your friend force you to do take it. That is not an a excuse take responsibility for your actions.To blame others for your actions is not an excuse because they cant force you to do something you dont want. It also means that do good and better things than what people expect from you and be a CTR person. Never let someone tell you that you can be better than someone show them the opposite from what they expect. I agree with this quote for so many reasons.One of the reasons i agree with this quote is that they are saying the truth and you dont have excuses for the actions you make because no one
    Veterans day A public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of World War I (November 11) to honor US veterans and victims of all wars. It replaced Armistice Day in 1954. This day is the anniversary of the signing of the armistice, which ended the World War I hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany in 1918. Veterans are thanked for their services to the United States on Veterans Day .It's important to show honor for veterans day to show respect to the ones that fight for our state and show respect to the family that has lost a loved one or could lose a loved one for fighting for our state. Respect Celebrate Pray Thank them for fighting for our state Be respectful Reflection: The why i feel about veterans day is that it's nice to honor the soldiers that have fight for our state and for us.I thank them and i appreciate what they do for us. Its nice to celebrate veterans day because that a way of remembering them and thanking the
  Student success statement Theses are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity. Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right.                W. Clement Stone These three magic keys are very good. This student success statement was written by w. Clement stone he's a great guy he has earned respect from the people that know him.I agree with this statement because it's so true and powerful.I am going to give you guys an example for each key for you guys could understand it better.For number one have the courage to say no is like if  one of your family members or your parents ask you to do something and you know it's wrong to do you supposed to learn how to say no and stand up for yourself. Like if they ask you to buy them drugs or rob you supposed to tell them no and why you said no.For the second one have the courage to face the truth if you did something that you know it wrong y
He said walketh with wise men shall wise:but A companion of fools shall be destroyed. Reflection: This is my student success statement for today. This quote is so true i agree with it. I believe this quote is saying the truth because I have a lot of reasons why. I am going to give you two example today one good and one bad.Let's go with the bad one first for example is you are hanging around with people that smoke don't care about their grades you are going to do the same thing and don't have any success.Also if they tell you to go somewhere where you dont supposed to be and you decide to go instead of doing your school work you will do the wrong. That means if you chose the first  example I gave you you will be a a ctw person and you will eventually regret it.Now am going to give you guys a good example like if you gto to school and hang arround with people that are accutually trying to graduate and have good grades and don do druges you will want to do the same thi
                          THE GAME OF THE TORNADOES This video  that Mr.Haymoree showed us its nice because it shows that everyone deserves a second chance.We are humans all humans make mistakes.It also shows that people that have make mistakes or bad thing can also change and wants to be a better person. They deserved a second chance and more if they really want to do good and want to be a ctr person. The video is also showing that there is always going to be someone thats going to be there for you like the other team got some people they knew for they could cheer for the tornadoes because it didn't feel right that they had someone to cheer for them and not for the other team so they got some people to cheer for them. That was very nice of them to help them get someone to cheer for them. Those students believe that the tornadoes needed to be cheer too and they help them out to feel happy .I agree with those students that chose to help them get cheers because they need someone
    Student success statement     “The best recreation is to do good.”               By:William Penn This quote is written by william penn it's a very nice quote. I agree with this quote because i think it's saying the truth. On f the reasons i agree with this quote is that when you are a good person that's the best thing you could do in life to be a good person. There's a lot of reasons why i believe this quote is saying the truth am going to give you guys one of the reasons why should you think this quote is saying the truth for example if you see that you are doing bad and you are a ctw  person you need to fix it right like if you are drinking everyday and doing drugs you should go get help if you can't do it by yourself and be a good person.The best thing to do is to recreation is to do good. Also don't forget to be a ctr person and don't forget this quote that William Penn wrote for us to read it but not only read it but to follow it and thi