Student success statement

     “Manners maketh man.” By william wykeham

What this quote is trying to say is that manners is what make you what you are.So if you have good manners you would be a great person and if you have bad manners you would be a person t hat doesn't have future and dont want to be successful in life.For example if you have good manners you will be polite and you will be respected by  the people around you and you will feel great. Another example but this one is for the bad manners and you will be disrespected like you disrespect the people around you and they will think you are a horrible person.Having manners makes you a great person and leads you to what you are now and what will you will be in the future. If you have manner you have knowledge and people will see how a great person you are and they will like to be around you. Manners are a way of showing how you were educated and how were you raised and what i mean about that is that people see how polite are you will have a great time around you and will be there when you need them.There's a lot of different ways of showing manners like saying how is your day going. Down here am going to list some of the ways you could be polite and be a wonderful person.
  1. How are you doing
  2. Good Morning how are you
  3. Have a good day see you tomorrow
  4. Excuse me
  5. Please
  6. Thank you
  7. Have a wonderful day


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