Student success statement
   “The best recreation is to do good.”
              By:William Penn

This quote is written by william penn it's a very nice quote. I agree with this quote because i think it's saying the truth. On f the reasons i agree with this quote is that when you are a good person that's the best thing you could do in life to be a good person. There's a lot of reasons why i believe this quote is saying the truth am going to give you guys one of the reasons why should you think this quote is saying the truth for example if you see that you are doing bad and you are a ctw  person you need to fix it right like if you are drinking everyday and doing drugs you should go get help if you can't do it by yourself and be a good person.The best thing to do is to recreation is to do good. Also don't forget to be a ctr person and don't forget this quote that William Penn wrote for us to read it but not only read it but to follow it and think about it to is if you could be a better person in life.


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