Veterans day

A public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of World War I (November 11) to honor US veterans and victims of all wars. It replaced Armistice Day in 1954. This day is the anniversary of the signing of the armistice, which ended the World War I hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany in 1918. Veterans are thanked for their services to the United States on Veterans Day.It's important to show honor for veterans day to show respect to the ones that fight for our state and show respect to the family that has lost a loved one or could lose a loved one for fighting for our state.
  1. Respect
  2. Celebrate
  3. Pray
  4. Thank them for fighting for our state
  5. Be respectful
The why i feel about veterans day is that it's nice to honor the soldiers that have fight for our state and for us.I thank them and i appreciate what they do for us. Its nice to celebrate veterans day because that a way of remembering them and thanking them for all they did. They also protect us and our rights and freedom and that why i have a lot of respect for the veterans.They risk their lives for ours and they even leave their families behind to defend our state and that deserves respect. Some people just are happy because they give this day off because they don't go to work or school and they don't even know what it is meant for.Some people just celebrate that day but it doesn't supposed to stop there you could keep on celebrating. We have to celebrate because they offered their service and they risk their lives and do everything they can to keep us safe.CTR and celebrate the veterans day because they leave their families behind and don't see them for a lot of time sometimes for years.


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