Student success statement

           “Always do Right.”
                       By: Mark Twain

In my opinion i agree with this quote because it makes a lot of sense and it is saying the true. What this quote is trying to say is that you always need to do the best and give the best of you and to   choose the right.The idea here is as simple as it sounds. When you do the right thing, whether it's something simple like returning a lost cell phone or helping someone out of a serious pickle, people will notice. Some will be pleased you're doing it, others will be surprised that maybe the world's not that cold of a place after all.The above quote, from Mark Twain, is a nice reminder that when we do the right thing people notice, and regardless of how they think of you, it's worth it.Some people that you will not talk to and they are in a bad situation if you are a good person you will choose the right and help them out in witch ever way you could help them out and maybe even friend you guys may become they will precipitate what you did for them and pass it on by them doing something else for another person and you would help the world be a better place and a nice,peaceful, and kind place to live in.In my place i do what i could and if i see someone in a bad situation i do what i could to help them  even just to have a conversation with them it well help them and will know that they have someone to talk to they will thank you for it. Pass this quote on and always keep it on mind because as simple as it looks but it sends a very strong message to the people to help other people and some people will help you and thank you for it.Always choose the right and do what feels right and that you know it's the right thing to do i guarantee you that you will feel like a wonderful person and god will pay you back or the people around will see you as a wonderful person you are and to me that's a wonderful feeling.


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