Ear Nose Throat Doctor

Duties and responsibilities:Some duties and responsibilities to become a ear nose throat doctor is that they have to  for diagnosing and treating a number of conditions that originate in the head and neck including upper respiratory infections, balance and hearing problems, and thyroid problems.Otolaryngologist may focus on a particular area of the field or may diagnose general ear, nose , and throat problems. Allergists and doctors who perform facial reconstructive surgeries are two of the the subspecialties of this field.

Salary:The average salary for ear nose and throat doctor jobs is $122,000. Average ear nose and throat doctor salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.It also depends how will you are at your job and if you are recommened to people.

Education:To become an ENT doctor, you will begin by pursuing the traditional route to and through medical school.  Score well on the MCAT and earn a high undergraduate GPA, especially in the core science courses of biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, and phApply to complete four years of medical school. During the last two years, you can take specialized coursework in otolaryngology.

Demand or need for this profession:One of the demands for this profession is that they have to be professional at their job. THeir education that they need for this profession.They also have to find out what the patient needs or haves to help her or him out.

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Reflection:i wouldnt like to be a ear nose throat doctor because i think i won't like it. For example i don't think i will have fun doing that or be happy doing that. Even though they win a lots of money a year that not would i would like to do for my rest of my life.


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