911 momorials

                                                   911 MOMORIALS

                             The twin towers was attacked in September 11 2011. A big airplane crashed in into the building and it exploded and the twin towers fill off and then like 7 hours later the building next to it fell off too the people had to move. There was about four hundred peopled dead when that happen they had lost a lot of  firefighters and police and a lot of people that day. A person told the people to move because there were going to dead and but into this day they don't know who gave that order whoever that was he or she saved a lot of life's that day.

Reflection: I think that was a horrible day for all the families that lost a love one. There was a lot of people that died that day the found out that there was about 400 people that they lost their life's that day.

Image result for 911 memorials burning down twin towers


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