Emergency Medical Technician

Duties and responsibilities:Some of the duties and responsibilities of an emergency medical technician is that they have to They respond to the emergencies arising out of causalities like criminal violence, natural disasters, fires, air and land accidents, etc. They also may work in a  ambulance or a air helicopter.

Salary:The salary of an emergency medical technician is median of in the United states is $32,951 a year. But 50% of people that work for that are expected to win that or less of the money a year.

Education:The necessary education to become a emergency medical technician  is a high school diploma,certification and licence state, and  be Approved training program(s) at the appropriate EMT level; some programs lead to certificates or associate's degrees.

Demand for this profession:I am going to tell you guys some of  the demands for this profession. One of them is that they have to be professional at all times with patients. Another one is that they have to be quick and act smart to the situation of their patients.

Image result for emergency medical technician

Reflection:I would like to be a emergency medical technician because they win good. That not the only thing i would like to be a emergency medical technician because i think i would actually like doing this job i like to help people i think i would like to see how it feels how to save a person's life.


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