Student Success Statement

           “Only those live who do good.”
                By:Count Leo Tolstoy

This is an amazing statement I agree with it. It's a very true statement. What this quote is trying to tell us is that not everyone that is alive is actually alive what it means is that only the one that are a ctr person are the ones that live a happy live and actually know what it actually feels to be alive. For example when you see a person and that person is famous and has money and acts like he or she is happy it doesn't mean they are happy sometimes that pride wins them and there is some that don't talk to anyone of their family members. Some don't have any communication with their family members and they act like they are actually living happy but they are not. Now am going to give you guys an example of what is the kind of people that live. You do not have to have money in order to live all you have to have and do is to have a good communication with your family and appreciate what you have and live day by day actually do something with your life and don't let the praise win you always talk and stay in touch with the people that love you because if you don't one day you are going to regret it and it might be to light. Don't be foolish that's one of the steps of living because sometime you just don't got to do something for you but for your love ones and friends. So live do good. Be a ctr person and be happy  and also appreciate.  


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