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Homecoming is annual  thing. All high schools do it every year.Homecoming is a dance where every student could have a good time there. Most of them go with couples and they dance. Some guys ask a girl if they want to go to homecoming with him.

The tradition of homecoming is that they have a origin in alumni in football games held at colleges and high schools and universities since the 19th century.

I think that they celebrate homecoming in school because that's one way the students could have fun in a nice way. Also because the students could celebrate their high school. The student could also see some old friends and have good memories. They have a good time in a nice way and they get to have fun with some of their old friends and get to talk to them again.

Some of the related activities of homecoming. For example are like prom and they are so many more they are fun to participate and you could have so much fun you could fun with your friends and teachers and old friends.

The reason why it's called homecoming game .I think its called homecoming game because it's in the football season and there is a football game right before that.


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