decisions determine destiny''

I think decisions do determine your destiny because if you make a bad decision you could have a bad destiny and if you choose good decisions you have a good destiny. For example am going to give you a bad decision is not going to school . The reason that's a bad decision is because if you don't go to school you  don't get a education  and you wont have or know anything in life. Also you wont have a good job and wont get paid good and wont be able to have anything in life. Now am going to give you a good example going to school and getting the education you need. Like that helps by knowing what you are going to do with your life and having a good future. By going to school you learn manners and they also teach you to be respectful.  School also determine your destiny  because when you go to school it distracts you of bad things like robbing doing drugs.Like that you focus on your education. In my oppion decision does determine your destiny so you always have to choose the right .
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